Bomma and Maurits

Bomma and Maurits tells the heartwarming story of our own director Marie's bomma, who once more found love thanks to the Internet.
Love comes and is there. To all the cynics out there: it can and sometimes is that simple.
Date of release: 2017
Poolhert Productions & De Chinezen for 4x7
Ellen Pollard & Marie De Hert
Ellen Pollard

Bomma and Maurits

Give me more

Sometimes delightfully roguish, sometimes intensely moving, this intimate portrait paints a unique mother-daughter relationship full of love, tenderness and family joy, even in the later stages of life.

Bye Mom

In Fien, Jip and Fien, a close bond between brother and sister is tested by first love.

Fien, Jip and Fien